Key Points from the Housing Hub survey November 2023.
The separation of housing and support services, the model, which is encouraged by the NDIA, has continued to improve each year, from 37.1% of providers indicating their tenants have full choice over their support providers in 2021, to 45.5% in 2022, and to 67.6% in
This increased freedom of choice over housing and support services is well aligned with the recommendations of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.8
A total of 60 providers contributed to the current survey, including 55 who provided
information about their SDA supply pipeline.
SDA Providers were canvassed and surveyed by Housing Hub, and the following key points emerged from the results :
- 23,092 Participants with SDA funding as of June 2023
- 13,552 had payments made for SDA plans
- Many SDA participants still stuck in hospitals
- More than 2,000 people under 65 still living in aged care who can qualify for SDA
- More works still needs to be done to understand the SDA demand
- No clarity of what is under construction and where
- Over supply of HPS apartments accounting for 44.5% of SDA dwellings leading to high vacancies
- Seems many apartment developments under construction include SDA apartments, which will exacerbate the over supply; strong warning by NDIA
- Group homes have reduced in development, and rightly so as per NDIA recommendations
- Disability Royal Commission views and recommendations including phasing out group homes
- A total of 2,287 places were being developed, across 1,543 SDA dwellings
- With more than half being developed by private housing providers
- Across all states and territories in Australia
- Western Australia 28%; Victoria 20.4%; NSW 23% and QLD 16.2% = contrary to what Victorian spruikers are espousing
- Build Type : 37.7% apartments; 33.1% houses; followed by villas/duplex/townhouses 23.6%
- 5.6% group homes
- Over 68.4% in the pipeline are being developed to accommodate 1 x SDA Participant
- 71.5% being developed for HPS; Robust 11.6%; Improved Liveability 9.1%; and Fully Accessible 4.8%
- There remains confidence for high quality SDA’s based on NDIA policy changes and updated market data, as well as strengthening stakeholder relationships.
- 18.9% of SDA Providers remain frustrated because of difficulties with NDIS processes and approvals
- 67.6% of providers gave their tenants full choice over their support provider, with only 13.5% providers limiting their tenants to receive housing and support services from the same organisation
- Table below demonstrates number of SDA dwellings and places in development as at September 2023

- NDIS Expected Demand by Design Category :

- Demand expectations :
- 27,022 people will require SDA by 2027
- 29,742 people will require SDA by 2032
- 32,976 people will require SDA by 2037
- 36,684 people will require SDA by 2042
- The demand model estimates the projected SDA demand by design category.
- The projections indicate a proportional decrease in the demand for Improved Liveability.
- HPS, FA and Robust expected to increase in demand over the next two decades.
- By 2042, greatest demand expected in NSW and Victoria.
- 7 out of 10 SA4 regions projected to account for one third of all growth in SDA demand. SA4 regions comprise of primarily Capital Cities, where land is more expensive.
- Sydney – South West and Paramatta
- Victoria – Melbourne West, South East, Inner Melbourne, North East and North West
- To understand actual demand the NDIA need to identify all SDA eligible Participants
- Then to provide required supports
- For the purpose of understanding their housing options
- To then Collate this data, document the housing needs and release the demand data to the open market.
Editors Note : the above with the NDIA will not occur in the foreseeable future for many reasons. It is imperative to thus rely on SIL / Care group feedback shared with SDA Providers. This informal data is readily available, but be mindful of who you listen to.