SDA Home Design Categories
High Physical Support
Dwellings in the High Physical Support SDA design category for people with significant physical impairment who require very high levels of support, include high level of physical access provisions to meet their needs.
High Physical Support housing includes all the requirements listed to meet Fully Accessible design category specifications, 950mm clear opening width doors to all habitable rooms and also structural provisions for ceiling hoists. These dwellings are assistive technology ready, have heating, cooling and household communications technology. They include emergency power solutions to cater for a minimum two-hour power outage if the welfare of residents is at risk.
Robust housing under the SDA Design requirements must incorporate a high level of physical access provisions and be built to Livable Housing Australia Silver Level.
They need to be very resilient, to minimise risk to the participant to minimise the likelihood for reactive maintenance. To achieve this, Robust dwellings incorporate resilient and inconspicuous materials that can reduce the risk of injury and disturbances and cope with heavy use.
The design should also includes adequate space and safeguards to support the needs of residents with complex behavior and provide areas of retreat for other residents and staff to avoid harm. This includes secure windows, doors and external areas, high impact wall lining, fittings and fixtures such as blinds and door handles, soundproofing, and laminated glass.
Fully Accessible
Fully Accessible dwellings incorporate a high level of physical access provisions to cater for tenants with significant functional impairment. Meeting the standard required from Livable Housing Australia Platinum Level to include features for improved accessibility outside the home and also inside the home.
All doors, windows, window furnishings require a power supply for automation and easy use. Easy access to bench tops, cooktop, microwave, dishwasher, basins, etc is a requirement whether in a standing or seated position.
The external doors and outdoor private areas must be accessible by wheelchair for easy mobility.
Improved liveability
Improved Liveability homes must incorporate a reasonable level of physical access with enhanced provision for people with Sensory, Intellectual or Cognitive impairment and meet the Silver Level minimum requirements of Livable Housing Australia.
These dwellings should also include improved wayfinding or lines of sight and lighting contrast to ensure the dwellings are easily navigated by the tenants.