Everything you need to know
10 important minutes updating you on SDA property
SDA Property Investment includes 7 major moving parts, each one vital in getting them right for a successful investment.
- From setting your purpose and requirements for the investment upfront
- Working with a professional team who have your interest at heart, helping save you time, stress and make you more money by understanding just what it is you are wanting to achieve
- This same professional team should offer you an end-to-end solution
- Meaning finding the ‘best fit’ location, block of land, type of dwelling to fit your budget but more importantly to meet the needs of participants in the area who will become your tenant
- Designing the dwelling to meet the demand and criteria local care providers share with us which is also compliant according to NDIS stringent requirements
- Putting the build out to tender and working with preferred builders who understand SDA Property
- Liaising with Care Providers in the area who look after participants in order to secure you your tenants during construction
- Getting the Compliance Certificate at completion
- Appointing a licensed and approved SDA Rental Manager who cares and is not greedy, meaning you earn the majority of income from government and your participant
- Having the property, your investment and your asset cared for and managed on your behalf
- Passing on the incredible yields to you the investor
- … and more